Working breakfast oriented to Industry 4.0
On October 23, AI Talentum had the pleasure to participate in an interesting working day between companies in the Region and the University of Murcia. The productive sector was represented by a diverse set of companies with industrial activity, as well as by 4.0 enablers, as is the case of AI Talentum, and the day was focused on the Industry 4.0 sector and the specific skills and training that companies seek when incorporate talent to their teams.
Open dialogue between the University and the business sector
The UM is aware of the need to maintain a communication channel with representative entities of the productive sector of the Region and that is why is interested and doing efforts in analyzing the most demanded competences to university graduates in different sectors of activity.
From AI Talentum we support this initiative by the UM because we believe it is imperative that the university is able to adapt to changes in the demand for talent by the companies, as well as knowing the criteria that companies follow at the time to incorporate a university graduate in their teams.

The Rector of the UM with participants in the Working Breakfast.