AI Talentum is committed to preventing and eradicating those situations constituting moral harassment, sexual harassment or harassment based on sex when they occur in the workplace, in order to guarantee the fundamental rights of the people who are part of the team. Harassment in any of its forms, in addition to causing damage to the victims of harassment, also affects other people who are part of their environment, and even


May 2022


Mi stay in Talentum I had a very good experience about my internship. I came without having a clue of how to handle data but I had the opportunity to work on a real project with real data that has made me know Data Science much better. In addition, the team helps you with what you need at the moment. A real pleasure.


Mar 2021

WASTE Monitor


Mar 2021


Antonio Vicente, CEO of AI Talentum, is interviewed by the Instituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia. In the interview he shares the vision of the future of Artificial Intelligence and chatbots. Link to the interview (Spanish).